One of the traits that determines happiness and mental health is flexibility: the capacity for creativity, abstract thinking, and adapting to changing circumstances. When it comes to the sex lives of swingers ( ), there’s no question that they …
Are Sexual Fetishes Psychologically Healthy?
50 Shades of Grey has changed the calculus on how our society views fetishes and BDSM. Sexual fetishes are far more common than we think, look at the number of clubs at Though once considered deviant and shameful, …
Title: Unveiling the Shadows: Health Challenges in the Swingers Lifestyle Over the Last Decade

The swingers lifestyle, characterized by non-monogamous sexual activities with multiple partners, has seen a notable increase in acceptance and participation globally in recent years. This lifestyle choice, while becoming more mainstream, brings with it unique health challenges that …
Swingers Club: 5 Shocking Stories You Haven’t Heard

Swingers Club: Unveiling the Mysteries Beyond the Door
Swingers clubs have always been a topic of intrigue and mystery for many. While some see it as a place of liberation and exploration, others view it with skepticism and judgment. But …
What’s the Difference Between a Fantasy, Kink, and Fetish?
via Shape
What is a kink, really? How about a fetish — how are they different? And where do fantasies fit in? All the deets, here.By Gabrielle Smith April 20, 2021
Share: What’s the Difference Between a Fantasy, Kink, and …
It’s no surprise that people who engage in sex with multiple partners are more at risk for HIV and other STDs than those who are monogamous. But a recent Dutch study found that swingers–couples who trade sexual partners–are more likely …
Dangers of the Swinging Lifestyle
As exciting and awesome the rewards of swinging can be, the lifestyle does come with some real worries & risk. You should talk with your partner to see if you are both comfortable with the risks and share your worries …
Are Swingers Freaky and Deviant?
“So, you hang out with swingers, so what are they like?”
A friend, familiar with my research on swinging asked me that question as we sat by the pool and sipped on a cold beer.
“What do you mean …
Aging Swingers at High STD Risk
All those wild and crazy nights may be catching up with swingers as they age, new research found.
A Dutch study has found that swingers — heterosexual adults who engage in partner swapping or attend sex clubs for couples — …